Jan Rojek

Project description
The main objective of my work is to refine and extend the model of failure of unidirectional composites under tensile loading, developed at Mines ParisTech. I want to include the influence of temperature, humidity, and porosity on the properties of the composite's matrix. These factors are especially significant in the long time scales. Experimental tests are going provide a solid physical basis for the modeling.
The model will be applied to studying carbon fiber pressure vessels. They are an important market for the composite industry. However, our incomplete understanding of the failure processes in composites prevents us from taking full advantage of their properties. New numerical models can help fill the gaps in our knowledge. I would like my work to be a part of that process.
PhD researcher at MINES ParisTech (2017-present).
Erasmus Mundus Master Course, Computational Mechanics, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain / University of Stuttgart, Germany / Tsinghua University, China (2014-2016).
B.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (2010-2014).
Research interests
Numerical methods, finite element method, failure of composite materials, aerodynamics
Personal note
I like following the new developments in aeronautics and space technology. Since moving to France for the PhD, I enjoy discovering Paris on weekends. On holidays, I like to go for long mountain hikes.
Latest blogs by Jan Rojek
Latest publications by Jan Rojek

Void growth measurement and modelling in a thermosetting epoxy resin using SEM and tomography techniques
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 2020

Effect of through-thickness compressive stress and porosity on the tensile strength of carbon-fibre reinforced composites
Twenty-Second International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22), 11-16 August 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Modelling the effect of porosity on the mechanical properties of unidirectional composites. The case of thick-walled pressure vessels
European Conference on Composite Materials 24-28 June 2018 Athens, Greece